Thursday, March 02, 2006

How many Portuguese does it take to care what Columbus found?

Anything of note happen in my world today? Let me think....hmmm...nope, nothing.
On the other hand, if you were to ask about things of note in my "other" reality (my faith world) well there I experienced the usual confirmation of wild speculations that only make sense in that world. It is a place that exists larger than the random elements of this world, even though it is superimposed upon this world...but who wants to hear about that...and what I think and discover as an explorer there...for now are only for me...but maybe not for fact, there may be a woman who already explores there and doesn't realize the land in which she travels. Maybe I am to speak to her. Maybe we are to wander a bit together. She thinks she travels in a country so remote from the one her husband travels. He knows he travels in this faith reality, but her world-- He calls himself Christian, and she calls herself Wiccan and although they are deeply in love, the faith breach seems to them to be utterly complete. Their one common belief: they want to do their part to rid the world of injustice. I wonder if their faith breach is really that complete? Could the common elements bring the mystery elements to light? Help me, God, as You whisper in my ear the things she needs to hear. Keep her alive until they find their common faith. Give them peace tonight as they get results on the breast cancer biopsy she had today. Let them live their "image of God" scripts well in this moment of climax. Show me what You want from me regarding this...if it be anything other than to pray.

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