Monday, March 06, 2006

...home alone

...well, not exactly. In spite of attempts to the contrary, I managed to pass this bug that is bedeviling me to my youngest son. I can't think of many things more gut-wrenching than seeing your offspring suffer from a sickness, even if it is temporary. He is in and out of "it", sometimes brimming with energy, and other times as lifeless as a rag doll. The doctor says to watch it, and if there is fever for 5 days to come in...small comfort.

One thing a change in your schedule does do is to provide you with a little time to organize your thoughts. Many times it comes as a necessity, tying to juggle the tasks you were going to do into the time you now don't have. I have found that the "square peg" in "round hole" seems to be appropriate for these times. But, what cha gonna do?

I can't say that I am full of any deep thoughts insight to the ill's of the world (or at least my part of it). Just a mandatory lazy day, the kind that drives a efficiency freak like me crazy....too much to do, no idea how it will get done, not a clue when I will figure it out....oh little one needs my attention, and right now, there is nothing more important in my life....

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