Friday, March 17, 2006

spring...a season of growing

I am always amazed when God decides to put "coincidences" out of the realm of the coincidental. I had been debating whether much of the "strain" I feel spiritually is just me hanging on to a childhood habit of anguish, as could be reasonable since I had a childhood heavily laced with it. God was so kind as to give me my answer to the question of whether the "faith-strain" is real or simply foolish imagining. Once again, He used events in the real world to affirm that--whether strained or not--my perceptions have now and will continue to have their cooresponding realities. This is in the news today. I had my own experience of "inflation" of the universe (of the spirit) just a couple of days ago. Today's "real" news says this:

Scientists announced today new evidence supporting the theory that the infant universe expanded from subatomic to astronomical size in a fraction of a second after its birth.
The finding is based on new results from
NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, launched in 2001 to measure the temperature of radiant heat left over from the Big Bang, which is the theoretical beginning to the universe. This radiation is known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and it is the oldest light in the universe.

Previously, I blogged about the quote recommending a person undress morally of everything that might be considered a possession, and present that to God. So, I did a visualization prayer of this very thing...stripping away everything that could be called "goodness" that I wore. It was like pulling off wet clingy clothes. I threw them down decisively in a heap beside me. Taking it a step further, I proceeded to point out to God all the now exposed "flaws" on the naked me: a "naturally" 42-year-old body, with a bosom and belly that have carried and nursed three kids. Spinning around I made much ado of the cellulite sea that is my rear end. Suddenly, and to my surprise since up to this point, I had been "in control" of the daydream but no longer, suddenly I shot up to be huge. I was outside my own body for a moment, seeing from ground level only foot, calf, thigh, of this huge woman that I had become. Then I was back "inside myself" again, noticing that the "age flaws" had softened into the plump dewy newness of baby flesh. I turned around and looked down at the little Christ at my feet and said, "What happened?" He grinned at me. "Get this--" And He shot up to twice the size of the "big" me. I looked up at the underside of his distant chin, then clenched my fists and everything else in an effort to join Him, like a child who thinks effort alone will speed growth (another lesson from the vision.) "I can't get any bigger." I yelled up. He shrank down to my same size. "That's why I come down to match you."
Then this morning, besides the news report of a suddenly expanding universe, shooting from something the size of a marble to what we know it to be now, besides that...I came across this quote in my daily devotional, although it is the quote from July 13 it sure works for today: "...Am I building up the Body of Christ, or am I looking for my own personal development only?...Whenever I want things for myself the relationship is distorted." Now, even as I have been blogging, my love, you call and say you blogged about me. I'll have to go back and see what you wrote, but this I'll say to you: you are showing quite profound signs yourself of being ever more inspired all the time to build that larger Body of the real, vital, passionate, exuberant, clever, and infinately appealing Christ.

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