Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Do You Call Righteous Judgment?

A lot of dung-slinging is going on in society today in the name of righteous judgment. A lot of criticism is floating around in the name of defining justice. (Does it mean giving a pittance to the poor man, but stopping short of detailing why he is poor in the first place?) Most troublesome of all, how do you tell someone you think they're dead wrong when they believe they have all righteous wrath on their side? This is a heavy cloud of many layers over our world today.

And yet, You've been showing me that You have the work of a judge--particularly in the context of prophetic warning--ahead of me. You're working on teaching me how to go about it Your way. I look at the dream I had about warning people of an earthquake, but since they didn't "feel" it in the permanent, main complex of their lives, they did not take the warning seriously. (My husband, too, has had this dream of being sent to warn those who did not want to hear him when he dreamed he was rescuing people off the tail of an airplane. He cried out that it was about to explode; but the first class passengers were taking their time, gathering their belongings, leaving nothing behind, until finally he had to leave them because the fireball erupted at their end of the plane and started flying back toward him. He jumped to the escape slide in time to at least save himself.) What do you do with these calls to warn and rescue?

The first thing I find You're doing with me is to refine my definition of rescuer. I muddy that definition too much with being an enabler of irresponsibility in others. In visiting with a friend, I was able to define for myself a pattern I tend to follow: when I see something before me that I'm fit to do and do well, I rush in and begin to build things that others could help with, even learn from, but because it's easier for me to do them myself, I ignore opportunities to motivate others to do grow, at least in those domains that call for rescue work. So I weaken those around me who should help me and broaden the boundary of my own workload until I make myself so ill and utterly burned out on the assignment that I collapse and have to leave it entirely to recouperate. But this year I've been learning some new ways.

I've been subbing this year, not teaching, just subbing. I've subbed primarily for a woman who is a band director and had some sudden emergency health situations arise in her family that called her out of the workplace pretty frequently. In this subbing assignment, I've had to limit myself. I was not in charge for more than a day or two at a time. I had clear-cut boundaries as to how I could use my skills. I could help kids learn the music in their folders, but I could not choose which kids to help nor choose the music they'd play, etc. So I learned how to walk inside a fence.

As always, a test came after the training. I was offered a specific salaried job, one that fit a skill set I knew I had. Should I take it? This particular job was one the rescuer in me would have lapped up like honey, but fools rush in... So I came to You for an answer, and the answer You gave me at least initially was "No, don't take it." You used supernatural means to tell me; You used natural means, but You made it very clear what Your advice was at this juncture. I could obey or not, but I couldn't say You left me guessing. I backed away from it.
Not until then did I even realize it was the test, nor even the depths of the lesson I'd been learning, but now that I've passed that test, You're showing me how it fits with the larger picture of what You're preparing in me on these other fronts--those of giving appropriate warning where it is needed. I know this is Your next "lesson" because You brought back another dream of portent that made no sense, until now.

In that dream, I was standing beside a fence that was broken, and at the breach stood a very foolish, spotted horse. It was making the breach larger, trying to get out of the fenced area. This horse's motive for destroying the fence was not spite or meanness; it destroyed purely out of ignorance and misplaced curiosity. But it was not a horse that would listen to reason. The only course of action fitting to keep that horse safely inside the fence was to repair the fence itself. Suddenly, I had a tool in my right hand and wire in my left. I repaired the fence with these. When the horse saw the fence repaired, it trotted away back toward the barn. I remember this dream vividly now. Though I had it long ago, still You brought it back. I felt You telling me that this test was a way of proving myself, demonstrate that I'd stay inside a fence myself before I would be fit to mend anyone else's broken fences, before I'd be fit to address anyone else's unintentional transgressions. The offer of a job I'd be good at was the offer of a breach in the fence. My refusing to go through it showed I respected the fence You set for me whether I "had" to remain within its bounds or not.

The next day after I'd come through this test, I reached for my devotional reading and found this:

Mat 7:1 "JUDGE not, that you be not judged.
Mat 7:2 "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
Mat 7:3 "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
Mat 7:4 "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?
Mat 7:5 "Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

This text was analyzed further than many writers take it in the devotional I read. Most stop at berating the reader for having an eyeful of un-addressed plank--which when you think about it is rather ironic--but this devotional went on to say that when a person reaches that point of seeing clearly to judge others as verse 5 describes, the act looks quite different from what we usually call judging. It comes more from the position of being an encourager than anything else. "I see a speck in your eye, and if you have the courage and humility to accept that it is there, you might become hopeless, but don't be discouraged. I had a plank in my own eye, and look at me now! You can deal with this if I could deal with that." It is a very different approach to judging than we usually see. Who equates a judge with being a cheerleader? I don't know which is the chicken and which the egg--the man who can't hear he is wrong or the man who does a poor job of talking to him about it.

Now that I'm in the middle of this unit of study, where do I go from here? I can't say I know exactly, but I do know metaphorically. In the dream, tools were put in my hands to repair a broken fence in a world where everyone else seems to be beating up senseless horses. That's where I'm headed now.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Peace I Leave with You...

It's not the first time and I doubt if it is the last that I say this on here: the enigmas in a dream are often the very link to God's purpose in giving that dream to one of His people.
I had one a couple of years ago with profound enigmas. It went like this:

I was at work, and it was a place where I worked then but don't now.

Enigma #1: I was there completely naked, except for the shoes I wore. Even my dream self found this a little odd, but no one else in the dream seemed to notice my bareness. I went through a variety of school-related activities, choosing curriculum with another teacher, wandering the halls, supervising things.

Enigma #2: at one point, I was offered a fabulous blue satin gown to wear, and it would indeed have covered my bareness, but I knew it was too fanciful for me to function properly while wearing it, and seeing that no one really noticed that I was naked anyway--I opted to remain unclothed. After that, I no longer paid any attention to my lack of attire.

Enigma #3: After a bit longer, I went toward a back door where I saw through a window that one of the portable buildings (the one that has housed High School Spanish and History classes) suddenly experienced an earthquake that upended it and dropped the Spanish side of it deep underground. Like the Titanic sinking, it tipped and dropped into the earth. I ran to find the high school secretary, searching for her on the playground which now housed a pavilion that wasn't there before. What's more, a lot more shade covered the grassy area than I remembered. These things struck me as differences from what I expected, but my main objective was to find the secretary, so I resumed my search for her. When I found her, though, she was too preoccupied with her concern for a young woman to get involved in the earthquake dilemma. So I went back to the offices of the main building and told them what I'd seen: "There was an earthquake out back and one of the portables is upended, surely demolished."

Enigma #4: Their response. The consensus in the main building was that if the earthquake didn't affect the permanent structure--that being the main building--then surely it wasn't that serious an issue, and no one went to investigate the woeful temporary structures on the edge of the woods. I was grieved that I could not convince anyone to take the situation seriously, but went on with my day, which took me to the school library.

Enigma #5: There I met God, who told me He was pleased that I announced what I saw, no matter what the response was. There, He rewarded me by giving me an even better pair of shoes, although I was still naked otherwise.

Obviously, the first (and probably most) bizarre part of the dream is that I was naked but for the shoes. For two years now, I've wondered about that dream. None of it seemed to resolve itself before I left my job there--and so I wondered if it were one of those dreams that doesn't really "mean" anything after all. I have, however, had enough "significant" dreams to know this one felt like it mattered, so I've never really forgotten it.

Now, after a year of renewing my health, teaching my children from home, dis-associating myself from so many of the things that were outside I look at next year and wonder what my calling is to be. I am healthy again. I've released that "unhealthy agreement" with my inner self that made achievement the definition of my worth even as it wore me down to nothing. So now what? Suddenly, new options line up before me, and I feel paralyzed. One thing I know--I could easily slip back into a bad place, where I dread every day either due to outside stress or threats to my physical and/or emotional health. How do I know which door to open? I am enjoying the freedom from that unhealthy agreement. How do I know I won't slap my signature down on it again without even thinking about it?

So I prayed. I prayed a lot. I went looking for people to pray for me...asking online friends I haven't talked to for a while, stopping friends I run into at the grocery store and outlining my prayer need, even though I may not have seen them in months. I mean everybody got asked to pray for me. I wasn't proud. This really mattered to me.

One of those online friends came back with a willing response to my prayer request and with the following cryptic word from God: "I'm hearing 'follow the peace'." This was what he said in response to my question about how to decide between multiple opportunities, not the least of which is to simply continue another year as I am. His words settled my mind, sounded like God and gave me a feeling things were on track, but didn't actually resolve anything. I didn't expect them to. I've walked this road with God long enough to know He leads step by step, by hedging in a certain direction, not by making a complete picture of the destination magically appear.

Another day, two similar events and a scripture in Isaiah gelled to lead me to hear God saying: "Remember I go before you, and ask Me to send my angels before you, too, even as you move forward at a proper pace. They've had your back, but now they need to go before." Such reassurance, such guidance always awes me! As usual, I'm all the more certain God has actually spoken to me simply because of the profound thankfulness it stirs in my heart!

Finally, today I was reading Eldredge's Walking with God and came across a section that pointed out the "need to bring the work of Christ" between the self and organizations, leaders, former bosses. For him, it was a specific place with which he needed to renounce his spiritual ties. I think for me it is more general--not one specific job, but rather my reasons for working for pay, this entirely is infected with a lack of peace and joy. So I prayed Eldredge's prayer, visualizing myself as an employee at large where he specified a place--although I must admit I "saw" the last place I worked as I prayed it. I thought of all the places I've worked. I considered Eldredge's claim that religious pride can infect a spiritual workplace and can affect everyone working there. That "spirit" as it is given free reign on the property can follow people even after they leave the place if they don't resist it intentionally. Interesting. I can see the same being possible with intolerance. With white sepulchre righteousness. No wonder work has felt burdensome. I've worked under all the conditions I described. Have I carried that weight along with me regarding work? I've certainly not intentionally put all that junk aside. So I prayed along with Eldredge the prayer he wrote:

I bring the full work of my Lord Jesus Christ--his cross and shed blood, his resurrection and his life, his authority, rule, and dominion--between me and this place (for me "the work place" at large), and between me and all the people there. Its officers and leadership and my former boss. I sever all spiritual ties between us, and I cancel any claims the enemy is making to me now because of my time spent there. I come out from under their authority. I consecrate my calling and my gifting to God. I cleanse my calling and gifting with the blood of Jesus Christ, to be holy and pure and filled with the Spirit of God alone. I keep the work of Christ between us and forbid these ties to be reformed. In the name and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Immediately--and I mean immediately--that dream came back along with a scripture and the message from my friend, Michael, about following the peace. Here is the scripture:

Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

The dream came back as finally, finally offering a first glimmer of linkage to real life. Now I know that whenever I experience this series of events, the thing about my place in it is this: I will be the one with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. No wonder He said "follow the peace." He said it first to me, with the dream even before He repeated it through my friend, Michael. Even the repetition is a thing of God--as Joseph explained to Pharaoh so long ago. So while I don't know exactly what it all means, or how it will play out, I know this: I know it matters--matters enough that I had to wait two years to even begin to see it manifest in actual life; and when I follow this series of events prescribed in that dream the result for me will be: feet even more beautifully shod. How lovely to know now that it is about the gospel of peace! How wondrous to be led...

cantus firmus

For those who are not musicians and might ask what is cantus firmus, Wikipedia defines it thus:

"In music, a cantus firmus ("fixed song") is a pre-existing melody forming the basis of a polyphonic composition."

Or, even more plainly stated:

"The tune of the cantus firmus was taken from Gregorian chant; it would move very slowly underneath more rapid vocal or instrumental lines above it."
A musical textbook for form and analysis uses the work "Poplars in Spring" to give a visual analogy to the musical form concept:
"The poplar's trunk (detail to left) unites the ground to leafy canopy and sky above. The tree is analogous to a preexisting melody stitching the elements of a composition together. In music, we call this melody a cantus firmus. "

So why am I thinking about this now? It strikes me that it bears much similarity to my walk of faith these last few years. A place deep inside me hears that plainsong, that chant that is the core of my reason for being and being uniquely me. The more profound that trunk of revelation, the more it can get lost in an awful lot of branchwork. How many layers of counterpoint can God paint into my life before I utterly lose track of the foundational melody? It seems to be the question my life is about right now.

What's more, that form can be more broadly viewed as transitioning between A and B segments in a variety of arrangements. The textbook continues to draw analogies between the painting and the musical form: "Monet's detail to the right might be considered a binary, with sky at the top being part "A" and leaves at the bottom being part "B." The Lutheran chorale typically subscribes to an extended binary in which section "A" (called the Stollen) is repeated and followed by a section "B" (the Abgesang) which is not repeated. This AAB schematic is known as German bar form."

Here we get to the heart of the matter. My life does indeed feel like it glides through German bar form...with me being called to believe right now that the repeat of section A is closing and that section B will indeed commence. How will I receive the beginning of the Abgesang? Will I even believe that the Stollen could ever end? Or to use the painting's analogy, after my eyes climb 2/3 of the piece seeing branches, will they accept the trunk in a bare sky for the top of the work?