Friday, March 10, 2006

Late nite in Las Vegas...

10:52 pm in Las Vegas probably doesn't qualify as late night, but I guess it all depends on your relativity. 10:53 seems to my East Coast comfortable system as almost 2 AM, hence the late night moniker.

I have had somewhat of an epiphany on this trip to Las Vegas. 2 actually. The first is the dawning realization that I am a different person than the one that used to thrive in the here and there, hither and fro that is the constant life-blood of this 24 hour city. As I walk among the thousands of people here (most with the single minded intention of losing as much money as they can before their practical inner-banker over-rides their compulsion) I realize that there is, unfortunately, so False bodies, false bravado, false dreams.....false. I realize that at one time, I blended into that mind-set like a needle in a needle stack. But no more. I have evolved, I guess...nothing higher or mightier than these bewildered folks...just different. This gives me a great deal of comfort, as well as a profound sadness, both for those I observe now, and for the lost years I tried desperately to use the falseness as a coat of armor to block out the truths that were trying to gain my least they have it now...and I am much happier...

The second revelation came as I read the tributes to Dana Reeve, the recently deceased widow of Christopher. Many wonderful words were deservedly written about Mrs. Reeve. She was held up as a paragon of virtue, womanhood, and humanity, all at once. But see, the funny thing was that the more I read, the more I was certain I knew the woman described within the accolades....and suddenly, much like an unexpected thunderclap on a bright, clear day, I knew who they were talking about...

...I've been married to her for almost 12 years.

Sometimes, it takes something outside your sphere of relativity to realize the specialness of those around you. Every trait described, every positive listed of a life well lived, mirrored the qualities of my special love. She would probably deny most of it, but it is undeniable (sorry honey). Her kindness, here selflessness, her beauty both in the physical sense as well as in her spirit, her special relationship with her children, her concern for others, her ability to see far outside her own circumstances, her ability to tolerate a sometimes trying husband.....all parts of her very essence. Times like this, I am struck how incredibly fortunate I am that she has been given to me, more so that she chooses to stay with me...I only hope my actions and words show her how incredible I feel she is, and that as the world holds Mrs. Reeve as an example of a live well lived, they will not overlook you, my love, as one that remains...

1 comment:

Deb said... said one of my blogs brought you to've done likewise to me...