Sunday, March 05, 2006

my husband dreams (part 2)

...the most amazing things even yet.
Amazing in their content: us sharing our bed with the likes of two elephants and a Frenchman in a speedo. What?

Amazing in his having the temperment that he is not embarrassed to share such a dream.

Amazing in what I find when I "research" his dreams, as I have promised to faithfully do. For when I google elephant and Christianity (for strangely, elephants have been in my dreams lately, too) I discover an obscure blog in which the blogger has ties with another "yellow elephant" blogger who is deply engrossed in his own questions about war when it is "religion" based. A blogger who claims that his "internal Frenchman" recommends a documentary about the example of theocratic statehood that can be found in the state of Utah.
Amazing because we have been given notice within the last year or so that we are very likely going to have to move to Utah due to my husband's occupation. And with my name, Deborah, meaning "bee" in Hebrew and Utah being the beehive state, and...Well, we certainly will be renting the documentary to watch.
Amazing in that by our willingness to share things that feel idiotic, we discover the very oddities and unique qualities are the things that affirm a larger guidance than just our own random subconscious bubbles bursting (To use your own imagery, my love, I wonder if some of your bubbles are not just from your own memories!)
Now as to the big black laundry woman who startles the Frenchman out of our bed...well, that will have to wait for a google tomorrow. I'm still too freaked out by today's revelations!

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