Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's not fair....

WARNING.......The National Weather Service has issued a SEVERE WHINE ALERT for the following blog....at 4 am, EST, Scott was observed awake in Boston, unable to sleep...you are advised to seek wisdom or insight elsewhere.....the following blog contains heavy pity and large, damaging sarcasm.....take shelter from the self-loathing that follows....stay tuned to this blog for updates, and hopefully a better mental-state tomorrow....

....it's not fair....I have been up since 3 am with a pulsing in my right elbow....same elbow that pulsed a few weeks ago...kinda hot, a little swollen, and hurts like hell....just took some Tylonol for it (all I had), but it still feels like at any moment, a small, slimy alien will come bursting forth from it, providing yet another classic moment for some future sci-fi movie.

I am not sure what this recurring pain means. I know, for the last 10 years or so, that I have been on a roller-coaster of health and fitness....weight up, weight down, working out like a fiend, performing a passable imitation of a 10-toed sloth....I wonder if the abuse I have inflicted on my body these last 41 years is finally catching up to me....take my elbow (please!)...I am not sure what is wrong with it...it was fine yesterday, and tonight.....BAM....no sleep....various body parts, at various times, seem to stop working right for no apparent reason....ankles, elbows, toes, etc...the litany of parts is endless....ironically enough, the one part that has been true blue, no warranty work needed, has been....oh well...never mind....

I try to exercise....reallllly I do.....and when I do, my body craves more, which is what is supposed to happen....so I really don't think it is a deficiency of the body....more a deficiency of the will....the mind....that, and my ever-changing schedule....well, and the fact that I can't eat what a typical Ethopian 3 year old eats in a day and not pack on the pounds....it's not fair that I see others throwing down boxes of sweets (no, literally throwing the food down their gullets), and it seemingly evaporating through their pores....I really don't eat that much....I have tried to be honest with myself on this point....yes, there are times where my diet is "corrupted", for lack of a better word, but for the most part, I eat relatively healthily...salads, lots of chicken and fish, etc...

...so here is what I want you to do, world....please hide all the donuts....just don't display them...no donuts, or cakes, to tempt me, and I will be fine....oh, and potato chips....hide the chips too please....no donuts, cakes or chips, and I will feel the pounds melt away. Oh, cookies too....chips, cookies, donuts, cakes, and french fries....cadbury eggs too....oh...and that damn chocloate....anything chocolate....is that too much to ask, world, to help me regain my svelte figure, and subsequent health? And time...gimme more time to exercise....and don't let that time interfere with my work schedule....maybe a few more hours each day...bump it to 26 or 27....that would make me happy....

....The NWS has cancelled the SEVERE WHINE ALERT for this blog...continue your normal activities....

...that is what I am afraid of.....

1 comment:

Deb said...

"Whine" weather system moving through home front as well, my dear...little one surprised us by following his shot of step with a chaser of chicken pox. Will I ever leave these four walls? (Must go do some caladryl slathering now.)