Saturday, March 04, 2006

"If anyone is thirsty...

...let him come to me and drink. " My favorite quote of the day plays with this verse.

"He did not say, 'Good I'm glad you admit it. Now stop being so selfish. Repent of your thirst and get on with loving others. Bury your hurt under renewed committment and stay productively busy, and by the way keep a safe distance from people. If you get too close you'll be hurt again and that could make you focus too much on yourself.' Nor does He say, 'Now that you're in touch with your thirst, I want you to explore it deeply. Get together with the other folks in your church who admit desires and study what can be done to feel better.' What He said was "Come!" Neither deny your thirst nor focus on it. Christ's invitation to come to Him on the basis of perceived thirst grants legitimacy to the longings of our soul."

I know I have already learned so much about these things, O God, but I also know I could continue to learn a little more about them every day for the rest of my life. Maybe I'd have the equivalent of a bucketful out of the ocean of what You have to offer me in these things.

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