Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I spy with my little eye...

...a tall, willowy blonde woman, her long hair dancing in the breeze. She is gazing out over a placid lake. No doubt she is composing some poetic little verse about that pastoral scene before her eyes.

On second glance, I noticed she was indeed beautiful, but it was after all just the central pond of a subdivision, and she was after all only killing time while the little rat dog at her feet took care of his "outside" business. Her thoughts? Probably the only thing she was composing was a shopping list or a random droning of thought-noise like "pick up the dry cleaning, take snacks to soccer practice..." I laughed out loud.

But I thank God I perceived that snapshot of life in the order I did. I hate to think what a sad mind I'd have if I'd perceived the dull "reality" of the scene first. Would I have ever looked on past it to see the beautiful? Because maybe she was noticing the way the bank of trees sloped gracefully to the water's edge. Maybe a shopping list was as far removed from her mind as it was from mine. For her sake, I hope so.

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