Monday, February 13, 2006

who has time for this...

...not me on my youngest child's fifth just a quick memory, little one, to remind me how you grow so fast. You are so excited. This is what--only the third one of these "birthday" things that is memorable for you. (Kind of seems like that's the case for me, too, hehe.) I remember not that long ago, a couple of years maybe, you singing to yourself in the back seat of the car this new song you'd learned: "Old MacDonald had a And on that farm he had a cow, ee--i--ee--i--oh----. With a moo moo here, and a bow wow there, and a chicken-----"
I busted up. So what will you be when you grow up? A poet or an efficiency expert? Do you think people will be able to see the path that bridges the gaps you leave? You are so very much my son...I love you, little one. Let's have a wonderful party tonight!

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