Thursday, July 06, 2006

Things I Love about Us

---that you buy ties decorated to display the molecular structure of alcoholic beverages.
---that I keep forgetting to buy a new make-up case, and so I carry my beauty around in a plastic quart-sized freezer bag.
---that even though the bottom is about to fall out of our charcoal grill, we have the faith to risk grilling on it "one more time."
---that we have an interactive relationship with our children, the evidence of which is buried in the files of their favorite video games.
---that we know when to clap at a symphony and why to laugh at a redneck joke.

But most of all...
---that when we both spotted the same t-shirt in a crowd yesterday, we recognized it carried a message pointedly advisory and fraught with a timely intimacy for us.
And still regarding this...
---that we instantly saw the significance of receiving this message from God, hearing its tone of dry humor as if He were standing there chatting with us
---that these were not lost on us, nor did they need interpretation from one of us to the other. They were so obvious, in fact, that you stopped--dead center of a crowded path in the middle of an amusement park--and put your hands and forehead on my shoulder even as your own shoulders shook with silent laughter. "Did you read that?" you said. I nodded, laughing along with you.

God gave us this laugh, and it was for no one but us; yet it was for us together.

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