Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Speaking of things metaphoric...

to you, my husband, as you travel and consider many possibilities

...this is your week to decide whether you are willing to be drawn into something strange by God, and you fear you appear to me as some caveman, dragging me by the hair with one hand and a club with the other. Don't let that worry you, love.

I came across something that may give some peace. These days, someone being given to the world prophetically--as a metaphor in our language today...as a "sign and a wonder" in Bible lingo--this is pretty uncommon, but not so in the days of those ancient prophets. Just today, I was reading about how God made Isaiah walk around barefoot and naked for three years as a sign of things to come. Bible footnotes say that he was asked to walk around in this humiliation as a demonstration of a larger humiliation that was to come on neighboring nations. "God asked Isaiah to do something that seemed shameful and illogical. At times, God may ask us to take steps we don't understand. We must obey God in complete faith, for he will never ask us to do something wrong."

Funny I'd come across that text and its commentary this week, your week in the valley of decision, huh? I am not, however, implying that I am searching out nudist camps online. Our way of being a metaphor is different, and these things must be God-driven after all. (smile) I'm only saying that should you find God leading you to lead me to do something that seems illogical but may have this "sign and wonder" property to it, well then I trust your perceptions. Say yes to God and trust Him to deal with any effects your choices have on me. Remember, this is to be said of us: our victory came through the blood of the Lamb (already a part of who we are) and through our testimony and that we do not love life so much that we are afraid to lose it. "Life" can mean so many things when it is done the way we've been doing it lately.

Our melded roles--man and woman hearing from God and working for Him as interlocking parts of a divinely designed puzzle--in whatever this thing is...it all leaves me in wide-eyed wonder sometimes. It is a partnership for which I find no precedent in Scripture, except maybe when my other namesake called for the leader of the armies of Israel to make first-time warfare at that site where Armageddon will one day occur.
Feels like I should put an "Amen" at the end of this post. (smile)

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