Saturday, July 22, 2006

Falling Upward

It is your birthday, and I've already given you your tangible gift.
Now here is your intangible one:
I'm reading a book that introduced me to this term used by social scientists: falling upward. It is a term used to describe a person's tendency to "be drawn to people who are more desirable--physically, economically, and socially--than themselves." During the last few years, I've seen you begin to climb to new heights. These were not so much aspirations of your own construction; but when you were challenged; you did not waver, nor did you lose strength. Now in this last year, I've seen you rocket up in these respects. And so I look at you in awe, and I fall upward toward where you climb:
"Isn't it wonderful all the ways in which this distress has goaded you closer to God?
You're more alive, more concerned, more sensitive,
more reverent, more human, more passionate, more responsible.
Looked at from any angle, you've come out of this with purity of heart."
2 Corinthians 7:11 (the Message)
Happy birthday, my love! May we continue to ascend together!

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