Thursday, May 04, 2006

Now here's a prayer fit for posting...

...on the National Day of Prayer. I can't take credit for it. King David gave us this one, although I'm transcribing it to make it my own:

Deal bountifully with me, Your servant.
Open my eyes to see wondrous things from Your law.
I'd expect that every day I'd become more at home in my world, but instead I become more a stranger in it, and my soul melts from the heaviness of this.
You are my strength. I have chosen the way of the one known as the Truth.
I cling to the things He--Truth--testifies of You, though they mystify me.
O Lord, do not put me to shame!
I agree to run the full course of Your commandments.
I agree to run because you enlarge my heart.
Teach me Your way, and I'll keep it until the very end.
This is the testament of my passionate devotion to You!
Give me understanding...give it to my whole heart!
My heart I draw out and lay in Your open hand.
Incline it to You and the things You'd say through my life; protect me from covetousness.
Turn my eyes away from worthless things to see the valuable things invisible.
Revive me in Your way.
Establish me in Your Word.
Revive me in Your righteousness.

When I quoted this Psalm in my prayer journal last September, I finished the entry by saying that surely King David and I were inhabiting the same bubble of righteous truth as he wrote that one and as I read it. (smile)

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