Friday, April 14, 2006

a thing to reiterate...

It's Good Friday, my love, and I am glad you will be here soon. I looked at your "middle of the night" blog. I am so glad you are "awake" in so many new ways now. I said this last weekend, the day of the dream that jump-started your dedication to this call from God, these two things in particular. Because you are already accounted as a priest, these are "true" and no wonder you are sensing them deep inside:
1) "as soon as their feet touch the water, the flow will be cut off from upstream." You are right, my love. When you dreamt of your feet touching the water something very large began to change. I'm reminded of the scene from Lord of the Rings...when the stone falls down the well, a domino effect of change is started in the caverns of the earth. Not that it was seen immediately (cut off from upstream) but nonetheless, the change was established. Soon the signs followed. The same will be true for us, I think. No wonder you were affected as that touching the water moment happened in your wonder you woke me with your gasping. How amazing that I was the one person given the privilege of witnessing the moment. And...
2)"when you see the priests go...move out from your positions and follow them. Since you've never traveled this way before they will guide you." I utterly trust you to lead me in a way I have not gone before. I will indeed move out of my position and go where you guide me. I will tell you more about the amazing things I've discovered about this "going by a way uniquely given." You remember me telling you about the Rachabites, the ones given a special mission completely contrary to the mission of the rest of the Hebrews and yet when tested they were proven to be on special assignment and were thusly honored for carrying through that mission? Remember them? Guess what Rachab means: "chariot with four horses." The "four" in this will I'm sure carry validation for you. I am with you, love. I wonder when we will come to a place when we don't have to be so cryptic in our dialogue? Yet a public record of what little the world can see...this is right to display, I think.
But know this...there is still that mystery over what is to happen to me. Allow yourself to be open-minded to the possibility of the unexpected. This morning in the car on the way to school as I was praying, Nolan said, "When you die, you'll be dead 40 days. Then you'll be alive again." I asked him (you know how he "sees" our dreams and echoes them, etc.) I asked him who told him that. He said, "No one, I just know it." Very matter of fact. I'm thinking that you must accept that you can not put protecting me above your own destiny nor above ours together. Everything will be fine in the end, but it may look a little strange along the way. That's what I keep feeling. No matter. You will continue to be led. How could you ever doubt it after what you've experienced. How could I?

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