Wednesday, April 26, 2006

it might be hrd...

to post for bit here...bit of history here...I took my computer to the our corporte office to hve new cd drive instlled...our "tech person", who is neither tech nor much of person, decided to order nd instll the new drive himself. I picked the computer up yesterdy, fter 4 weeks of repir, nd ws excited to see tht the cd door did indeed open. When I rrived in Ls Vegs, I connected to the internet to review my e-mil. Much to my surprise, when I tried to log in, I found tht I no longer hd severl keys working....guess which, it looks like I will be hrd pressed to post nything for severl more weeks, s he now tried to scheme other wys of hmpering my productivity.....sigh...

1 comment:

Deb said...

Ha! laugh about my Chinese characters keyboard search, but look at you now. I love you, my vowel-challenged hubby. The crappy old standby is still here, going strong...yes, that Model-T of laptops is waiting to go on the road with you next week if you need it.