Tuesday, October 31, 2006


...is one of my current favorite holidays. This would probably shock some people. In fact, today as I taught at my Christian school, I listened to the kids as they put together clarinets and flutes and such. They always chat while they do these mundane assembly tasks. And today being today, their talk ran matter-of-factly along lines of how last year they turned off all the lights and hid from the world and played cards on this night. Others spoke of handing out tracts along with the candy, tracts that made sure everyone was aware that this was a devil's holiday. But me?

While everyone else sees witches, skulls, ghosts and ghouls on this night, I see this:

...for this holiday more than any other displays the power of divine transformation. I don't mean to sound judgmental regarding those who refuse to recognize the day. I am not their judge. Indeed, there was a brief time when I, too, only saw the evidence of the dark side on this night, the light side always being so gentle and unobtrusive, always using such a soft touch. But the evidence is everywhere for one who looks...evidence not so much that the monsters don't exist, (for that's old-school thinking some would say) but rather that even in their gruesome presence good still overlays evil, divine life conquers death even against the odds of this day.

It is seen best when a small grubby hand stretches out from some scratchy or shiny or frothy costume and touches another hand, one palsied and liver-spotted that rarely makes human contact any more, and sweetness is exchanged. It is seen best when old filmy eyes stare through the door window, and then crinkle into a smile when they lock with young bright ones shining in anticipation of a gift (rather than a terror) coming from a stranger in the dark. A rare chuckle might even resound from a dry voice box as that little figure wanders away, fumbling with something unfamiliar such as a cape or a set of wings.

Good overlays evil. Divine life conquers even on death's hallmark day, and the promised pearl is once more formed.

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