Saturday, October 07, 2006

Evolution of Traffic, Part 3

There are three kinds of people in the world, in the doing of things
More like six in the "why" behind the "do".
Sorting them is easy, when you look at the way they use a turn signal.

First, there are those who do not use it at all.
Then there are those who use it inconsistently or at the last minute after already becoming involved in a turn.
Finally, there are those who use it well in advance, and pretty faithfully.
But in each of these still exists a vast range
in the whys of their habits.

Of the group who almost never use it, there are those who believe all the world will simply and surely figure out how to adjust around them. They give very little attention to communicating any signals for the benefit of others. Conversely, the same signal-behavior could come from someone vastly different. Say one who has not the money to replace a faulty bulb. But you can't see the difference in the activity of the bulb.

Of those who use it randomly, a momentary distraction could be the explanation, an inconsistency from his normal driving behavior. On the other hand, inconsistent usage could be a pattern of frequent indifference for the law. Obedience is seen only in the most ideal circumstances and falls by the wayside at many frivilous prompts. Again, you can't see this difference.

Finally, of those who use it religiously--and this is the group to watch most carefully--there are those who use it because they find personal power and self-worth in exercising a rigid regard for all law. They feel their control over life at its largest springs from many such small things as these. But then there are also those who use the signal religiously because they care about the stress levels of the other drivers nearby, because they do not want to throw any one else into a driving quandary; these are ones who use it out of grace. Again, you can't see the difference.

These things that you can see work outside you, and they tell you basic things about other people's behavior. It is useful to a degree. But never stop there. Because...
These things that you can't see work inside you, and they tell you a lot about yourself. These are the things that are still real even when the back bumper of your car is sitting in a scrap yard.

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