Friday, December 15, 2006

Going Streaking...spiritually speaking

Lately, I have felt too exposed. Short has been the prep-time that God has used in training me to benefit others with that which He put in my keeping and had me anointed to use: "prophetic" gifting. Even typing it makes me cringe as I think of what these words draw to mind for most people: a picture of someone who--right after claiming said gift--thrust a live snake in the beneficiary's hands and started running around in circles or foaming at the mouth.

And while I'm not that, and while You haven't called me to go out in OT prophet-style, doing bizarre prophetic demonstrations with the exclamation, "Hear ye the word of the Lord;" still, it feels out of my comfort zone to be going to people at all and saying these things You're giving me. To be a spiritual hypochondriac is not part of the natural me, but is nonetheless the current appearance of the prophetic me. So I came to You and said, "Help me out here. I don't mind looking crazy if I have the assurance that I'm really doing what You want me to do with this stuff."

Well...driving to school Tuesday morning, I was stuck in a real log-jam of traffic; but being stuck gave me time to notice the ad on the back of a truck positioned in front of me. It's motto: Find yourself someone dependable. (or something to that effect...finding dependability was certainly there.) Beside the motto, the company name and logo appeared: Conner and Company. Seeing Conner immediately made me think of my superintendent, whose son is named Conner. "Your boss will be the one to come through for you," I seemed to be hearing. So many arenas of life where things did not go as they were "supposed" to go, leaving me and my family to suffer...over and over again all through the autumn, while we just persevered and counted pennies...for what else can you do?

"Look to the ones I call dependable," says God.

Last week, in response to this need created by random unreliability out in the cold world, I had asked that very same superintendent if he might be able to find a way to move me from part-time to full-time work after Christmas. The day I followed the truck that foretold his reliability to God's plans, he did indeed offer me the full-time job. What's more...I got the affirmation that I needed that I am also walking according to God's matter how flaky it makes me appear.

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