Sunday, August 27, 2006

More from God for Mr. Fly...

Strange that only a few days after the Fly invaded my consciousness, I come across this in my reading...and strangly like God's economy, how it melds my dream of the Fly with your thematic ones about the airplane flights, my love. This is a quote from a Max Lucado book called Come Thirsty that I read beside the pool Thursday:

Come and keep coming. Drink and keep drinking. Ask and keep asking. "Your heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!" (Luke 11:13).
Don't make the mistake of the fly I encountered in the airplane. That's right, on a recent flight a fly buzzed about in the cabin. How odd. A fly flying inside a flying plane. Why would a fly fly during a flight? Was he helping the plane? Doing his part to keep the craft airborne? Why did the fly in the plane fly in the plane?
I asked him. Catching his attention, I inquired, "Mr Fly, why do you fly? Why don't you sit down and enjoy the journey?"
His reply smacked of smugness. "And let the plane crash? Why, this craft needs me. My wings are essential to our safety." And with a puff of the chest he flew toward the front of the plane. As he returned some moments later, he didn't look so confident. Fear flickered in his tiny eyes. "I don't think I can keep it up!"
"Keep what up?"
"The plane! I don't think I can keep the plane up. I'm flying as furiously as I can. But my wings are weary. I don't know how long I can do this."
I opted for frankness. "Don't you know it's not up to you? You are surrounded by strength, held aloft by power that is not yours. Stop flying! It's not up to you to get this plane home."
He looked at me as if I were crazy and told me to buzz off.
I so hope you won't. Some of you need to sit down. You fly furiously back and forth, ever busy, always thinking the success of this journey is up to you. Do you fear letting up?
Look out the windows. God's wings sustain you. God's engines empower you. You can flap like a fly and not accelerate this flight. It's your job to sit and trust: to receive.
Accept his power. You be the glove and let him get his hand deep into your life.
Surrender to his plan...

So if this is prayer-guidance for me to offer for us and for this one revealed as the Fly, then I offer this:

May we open ourselves to You, God, and become less self-reliant.
May we open ourselves to You, God, and become less locked in a hopeless sense of responsibility.
May we open ourselves to You, God, and receive all that is in Your hand to give us.
May we open ourselves to You, God, and accept the assignment of being early starlight in a twilight world.

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