Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Call to the Fly

(Another one of those stories/affirmations I'd give you on the phone because it is too freaky for the blog, except you're so busy this week, I'll put it here for you to read at your leisure. I wonder if we'd ever blog--particularly this stuff--if you didn't travel so much?)

You dreamed your airplane dream again the last time you were here at home...where you sat in the front of the plane and you and someone else voluntarily moved to the back when a need for such a move arose. This time, the cockpit was open so that you could see the pilot's activity when you were in the front. Your evaluation of the dream was that as God calls another alongside us to accomplish His purpose through us, you may not be the one chosen to convey the information to this other person...maybe not be the one to recruit, but rather be one to step back and accept this person's assignment in our mission. Maybe that person will hear directly from God, I responded, and will come to us by some strange providence. I can now say that I have had a dream, too, one that may confirm these assumptions of our forward progress in this thing.

I dreamed one of those short, mysterious-image dreams. In this one, I simply saw my right hand holding a cell phone, but my hand was surrounded by flies. Flies moving lazily, not exactly swarming, and never landing on me, but staying there around my right hand...the electrified hand of activity in the bread-cutting covenant dream I had, the hand marked by God in another dream...but here: flies around it and a phone in it.

I was considering this idea of flies, thinking Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, all kinds of dark morbid things like that--a common starting point for a trek of faith: it starts slogging forward from a swampy entry point on its way to better footing soon enough. But then, I put just flies into the concordance of an online Bible and I found two verses that seemed to explain the dream...one a warning the other a prediction.

Eccl 10:1--"Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor." Good warning there: no folly. Been there, done that, didn't like it...so keep me from folly, God. Easy thing to ask. But then comes the mystery.

The flies in this dream were alive, not dead. So there is also this verse:
Isaiah 7:18--"And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall hiss (also translates whistle, call) for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt and for the bee (literally Deborah, as in my name, which is Hebrew for bee) that is in the land of Assyria."
I am the bee and you are the land, a rock crushed to mingle and mix with the water that marks the river of my baptism, things I blogged about not that long ago...the water that is apparently the home of the Fly. As I try to understand how this verse is being used to communicate with me, I feel like praying for this one here described as the fly: that the Fly might recognize himself as such, might hear the hiss of God even as we do...and not only that the Fly wil hear the call of God, but also that the Fly will respond, thereby giving honor to the One calling.

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