Sunday, June 10, 2007

Where is the Bride on Her Sabbath...

...and how spends she the days of her secret thrones?
These are days when and where she is prepared and adorned for procession,
knowing one day her hand will rest lightly
on the hand of her prince;
knowing one day she will be robed in a gown, brocade
shot through with thread
and golden.
These are days when and where she is draped and then embraced
by the hands of her bridegroom-prince
draped in supple white:
a mantle of feathers under which she will fly
but are they feathers? Or the hands of others?
Hands, reaching
These are days when and where she sits in a midnight garden
and the glow of her gown is lilac
as is its scent
whenever the soft wind flutters it.
Here she sits by her prince whose hands are folded in repose,
whose eyes are closed.
Here she wonders what he thinks,
what he prays.
And she is quiet beside him.
These are the days when and where she hides,
(for she is not immune to the storm)
but she is protected.
With her prince she sits
under a vaulted ceiling of feathers.
And there
in the quiet,
subdued lighting
she sinks into her softest throne
--his as Eiderdown, black and silver
hers black and gold--
where they put their feet upon footstools
--his confidently on the earth,
hers hesitantly on the moon.
He lays his hand across the emptiness between and
She laces her fingers into his.
Take note,
this is the purest sabbath throne of all.

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