Saturday, September 02, 2006

"If a Tree Falls in a Forest...

and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?"

My youngest just became acquainted with this old adage while he was eating waffles and watching cartoons this morning. He was quite disgruntled with what he perceive as a lack of cleverness in that cartoon. His response to the question: "That's too easy! Of course, the answer is yes. It's just too easy."

Leave it to a child to accept--or even allow--that the laws of physics and acoustics do not hang on him as the giver of relativity. Do sound waves travel whether my ears are positioned to receive them? So what changes in us, changes so much that this adage became one universally known? Is it faith? Humility?

Whatever it is, somewhere between 5 and 50 we grow "wise" and "understand" this joke; we lose the ability to say such a resounding (pardon the pun) "of course it makes a sound!"

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